1 - Create an Account

If you’re on this page, there’s a pretty good chance that you’ve already created a yada account. If not, then you’re just like us and read the user manual before you do anything else 🥹

Creating a yada account is really easy. Just head over to **https://app.yada.ai/signup**

All you’re going to need is your email address

2 - Connect to your Property Management System

Once you’ve added the chat widget, you should integrate yada with your property management system! This will allow yada to sync listings, inboxes, and reservations. The more information yada has, the more questions it can answer and the more useful it will be.

If your PMS isn’t available yet, let us know! We are rolling out property management system integrations very quickly and we’ll send you a message as soon as it’s deployed

Here’s how to integrate yada with your PMS

  1. Head over to Power Ups